Advanced Sound for 2022’s New Releases
29 April, 2022 by
Advanced Sound for 2022’s New Releases
Charlie Leib

2020-2021 brought hard times for all of us, but, thankfully, the global cinema industry is recovering from the pandemic. Studios have finally begun releasing many movies they simply couldn’t during the recent past, plus they are no longer delaying the production and releases of most new titles that had been planned over the past 24 months.

There will be several movies projected for 2022 that critics are anticipating as blockbusters. Some of these titles are action/adventure and, as such, their soundtracks play a very important role in the audience’s overall theatrical experience. Movies such as the ones listed below are fine examples:

When your sound equipment has been running for 10 or more years, the auditorium’s equalization (B-CHAIN) will usually not reach the x-curve. However, if the x-curve is still being reached after a decade, other factors also then begin playing a role in bad audio, such as the degradation of the processors, amplifiers, speakers, etc.

CES+ recommends that our customers check the equalization on their auditoriums and see what equipment is due for an upgrade and replacement.

Based on our extensive experience, CES+ can help our customers by replacing older equipment with today’s latest models. We design the right system without requiring our clients replace and pay for more than what is really needed. This way, those auditoriums in which the audio can’t be equalized correctly with current equipment will recover, and even improve, their system’s overall performance.

We currently have new audio processors, new amplifiers, and new speakers to improve audio performance, thus allowing your audience to enjoy movies, especially the blockbusters posted above, the way they were meant to be experienced. 

CES+ can design and offer entire sound packages or individual equipment to do just this, regardless of the size of any auditorium since we can count on the most experienced vendors for sound quality, including Dolby, QSC, JBL, Crown, Klipsch, and more. CES+ also offers not only the design and the equipment, but the audio rack pre-assembly and configurations, too. 

We deliver the total package!

Advanced Sound for 2022’s New Releases
Charlie Leib 29 April, 2022
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